Construction of two new reactors at Iran's bushehr nuclear power plant will begin next week


The construction of two new reactors at Iran's bushehr nuclear power plant will begin next week, Ali Akbar Salehi, head of Iran's atomic energy organization, said Wednesday, state television reported.

Iran's stockpile of 4.2 percent enriched uranium has reached 500 kilograms, Ali Akbar Salehi told a news conference at the natanz nuclear facility, Iran's semi-official student news agency reported Wednesday. But at the same time, salehi said Iran has always accepted iaea monitoring and verification and fulfilled its nuclear commitments within the framework of the additional protocol.

In May 2018, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the Iran nuclear agreement and frequently imposed additional sanctions on Iran. In response, Iran has walked away from implementing parts of the agreement three times in batches, breaking the 300kg (3.67 per cent) limit on its stockpile of low-enriched uranium and waiving research and development restrictions under the Iran nuclear agreement to develop new centrifuges.

In November 2014, Iran and Russia signed a deal to build two new nuclear reactors at bushehr and six more at other plants. (From CNNPN)